Monday, 27 November 2017

Trailer Story line

Kiera and Anna are out shopping and their final stop is at House of Fraser which they don't find anything they like. They discuss this while walking out of the shop back on to the main high street. They continue walking towards Roseberry park which is on their way home when they come across Charlotte who they have never met before standing by a tree which has a missing poster up of Emily who has been missing for a year. Charlotte is complaining to someone on the phone about the poster and that it needs to be taken down as Emily isn't going to be found. Anna and Kiera overhear the conversation so they decide to approach Charlotte as this has made Kiera angry as she is talking about her best friend. As Kiera and Charlotte start arguing an undercover police officer is in the area and goes over to them asking what the issue is as they are being loud and causing a disturbance in the park. Anna and Kiera decide to leave it and walk away and continue on their way home which is when Kiera spots Emily out of the corner of her eye and asks Anna if that is her. Anna thinks Kiera is seeing things and its just her imagination tricking her into thinking she is there. Just when they continue on their way Emily opens her eyes and has multiple wounds on her faces including a gun shot wound and a carving in her face. They don't realise that the police officer is also possessed by something unknown and that they plan on killing Anna and Kiera.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Production Title Ideas

For the production titles which are featured at the start of the trailer have have included photos that we have taken ourselves so we don't have to worry about copyright. We have decided to use two images as we have two productions companies. Have have to choose out of three photos that are shown below.

This is our first idea. This was taken by Kiera when she was playing football and in the background the sun is going down which gives it an effect.

This is our second idea for our production titles. It shows the sun setting. This image is the one we like the best as it includes a range of colours and would look effective for a production title.

This is our final choice. This one is much more simple compared to the other two which we thought would be different as we have never seen a production title like this before.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

List Of Shots Used

In our trailer we used a wide range of shots and angles to make it effective for the audience and what will make them want to watch the film. Each shot featured in the trailer will have a different effect on the audience. Each shot has and angle has a different effect in the trailer.

The shots used in the trailer are:
Medium Shot
Long Shot
Close up
High and low angle shots
Extreme close up

By using a high and low angle in the trailer they will be effective as a low angle shot will show that the character in the scene is in danger and is vulnerable and a high angle shot will show the power someone has in the scene. By using a medium shot this will show a good view of the location and a fairly good look at the characters facial expressions and body language. By using a close up or an extreme close up this will show the audience a better look at the characters facial expressions. When using a long shot in the trailer this will show the audience the location and the characters whole body which gives a good view of their body language.

The low and high angles are one of the most effective especially as they show who has power and who is in danger as this is used a lot during horror trailers.

Pictures Of The Locations

The images below show the different locations that are featured in our trailer. Also below will be information on why we chose these locations and why they were effective.

This image is outside of House Of Fraser in Epsom. We decided to film here as we wanted the audience to think that everything is normal just two friends out shopping. When filming here it took us a long time as this area was very busy and people kept walking in front of the camera either before we started filming or during filming so we had to keep stopping and starting.

The rest of the images below are Roseberry Park in Epsom. When filming here not many people were around which made it easier for us to film. There would occasionally be people in the background so we had to decide if we wanted them in the shot or not. The park was a good place to film as it's a wide open area with many areas to film in especially as we needed a large tree to film by but also a small tree like the stump Ellie is up against. 

Friday, 10 November 2017

Research and Planning: Behind The Missing Poster

The image below shows Kiera taking a picture of the missing poster. We also filmed the poster as we are included it in the trailer. The other image of the missing poster on the tree. The background is blurred so that it focuses on the poster. We managed to do this as we used an iPhone 7 as this has a effect called the depth which makes the background blurry. Anna took the picture of Kiera filming the poster as we wanted to show how we did it, where it was located and what the area around us looked like.

Costume Research

We have done some research in the outfits the characters wear in horror films. We found that in most horror films they wear casual clothing. This is because they want the audience to relate to the characters as everything appears to be normal then something changes. Also by having the characters wear casual clothing this makes it more believable and realistic. One of the film we researched was the 2017 remake of Stephen King's 'IT'. All of the main characters wear casual clothes like jeans and top throughout the whole film which is also shown in the images below. We decided as a group to choose this style of clothing for the trailer as it will be effective on the audience as they will be able to relate to the characters and from researching IT we hope this will be one of the reasons our trailer is successful.

Missing Poster

The image above shows the missing poster that is featured in the trailer. In order for this to be effective we made the writing in big bole letters so people can clearly see it's a missing poster. We have included a recent picture of the victim and information that would help people find her including her name, age, her last known location and a description of what she looks like and what she was wearing. At the bottom of the poster we have also included two phone number at the bottom of the poster so if anyone finds out any information they can phone them.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Final Props

When filming our trailer we used a range of props especially with the makeup as we wanted the it to look realistic. The items we used are listed below and what we used each one for.

The props we used are:

Image result for pva glue
The PVA glue was used to stick the special FX makeup to Ellie's face. By doing this it made it look realistic and by using the glue we knew that it wouldn't fall off. 

Image result for sfx fake blood
We used fake blood on wounds on Ellie's face to make it realistic. and believable for the audience watching the trailer. Without this the wounds would look fake so this was one of the most important items we used. Also the blood doesn't look fake as the red isn't dark red. 

Image result for sfx makeup
We used special FX makeup which were similar to the ones in the image above but not as professional and expensive. We managed to find the makeup that's similar but at a cheaper price. But we still got the look we wanted to achieve from using this. 

Image result for police badge
In our trailer one of the characters had a police badge as this shows the audience what he role in the trailer is. At first the audience won't know he is but once he shows his badge they learn that he is an undercover officer and plays an important role. 

Image result for iphone 6s rose gold

In one of the scenes one of the characters is talking on the phone so we decided it would be more effective by using a real phone and just putting it on silent when filming instead of buying a fake phone which wouldn't be as effective. 

 Image result for tripod
We used two tripods to film our trailer. This one pictured above we mainly used as this captured the shots and angles used better. Also when using this tripods we were able to adjust the height so that we could film scenes multiple times from different heights which would change the look of the shot. 

Image result for tripod
This is the second tripod we used which is handheld. We only used this tripod when filming a scene when the camera was walking along with the characters in the scene or certain angles such as a close up. By using this it gives the footage a more realistic feel like it's from someones point of view. 

Image result for canon eos m10
This is the final prop we used which is the camera we filmed the footage with. The camera is a Canon EOS M10 which has a great quality picture and can be zoomed in and out a far distance. By using this camera instead of a phone this makes the audience want to watch the trailer. 

Location Research

The first location option  is Roseberry Park in Epsom.

The park is located near to Epsom high street. This is widely used by the public as there is a duck pond, a play area for children. This will be a good place to film our trailer because it is a large area surrounded by trees which is necessary for our trailer.

The second location option is Ashtead Common. This area has a range of open areas and is a fairly quiet place and isn't busy. This would be a good place to film as there are a range of areas to film in and would be easier to film as not many people would be there which means we can focus more on filming then worrying about someone walking past the camera.

Our final location option is the river mole and Fetcham pond as these location are very close to each other. This would be a good area to film our trailer as there is a large amount of open space which will be effective in the trailer.

Whether Check During The Week Of Filming

The image above shows what the whether will be like during the week when we are filming our trailer. The whether is mostly cloudy which is good for us as if the sky looks a little dark this makes it effective for the audience as this will make it look more like a horror trailer. And the best days for us to film are Tuesday and Wednesday. On the first day of filming which was the 16th of October the weather was cloudy and quite dark.

Filming Day 2

On day 2 of filming we filmed the rest of the scenes which Ellie was in. Before we began filming Ellie had to do the special effects makeup. When doing this we got some concerning looks from some people but we reassured them it was for our media coursework and not real. The scene with Ellie up against the tree took the longest amount of time as we had to make sure the lighting was good, making sure people walking past aren't in the shot. When filming this scene some passers by looked scared and some look worried as they thought Ellie was really injured. The other scenes we did are when the policeman comes over when me, Kiera's and Anna's characters are arguing, and the two final scenes including Ellie and the policeman. The first being the policeman looking at the camera with a straight face and says "smile". The other being Ellie and the policeman looking at the camera but Ellie is standing behind him. 

Filming Day 1

The first day of filming started on the 16th of October and the first scene we filmed was with Kiera and Anna walking out of House Of Fraser. This scene was the most difficult to film as people would walk in front of the camera as this was a busy area to film. At the last minute we had to change the area as we were supposed to film outside New Look which is inside the centre but we didn't have permission from the manager. We also filmed the scene when I'm talking on the phone. This took also took a long time to film as people in the background kept coming into the shot.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Reactions To The Speacial Effects Make Up

The video above shows Kiera going into a local shop with the special effects make up on which we are going to be using in the trailer.There were many people in the shop at the time. We decided to film the reaction when entering the shop so this gave us a rough idea of how people would act when they saw this. In the video Kiera is laughing a lot as the man behind the till looks confused as he wasn't sure on what was going on. We were unable to get anyone else's reaction in the shop as we didn't have their permission. The reactions on the way to the shop and the way back were also interesting as people would look as they weren't sure if the make up was real or fake. Most people thought it was real and asked if we needed any help. If some didn't realise it was makeup we told them. This was effective as we caught peoples reactions first hand. Also especially were most thought it was real which tells us the makeup looks realistic. If most people knew it was makeup this would help us figure out how to make it more effective. As the trailer wouldn't be much of a horror without the makeup.

Magazine Cover Analysis

This is the analysis of out magazine front cover. The parts I have analysed are mentioning the title of the magazine and that the bold wri...