Sunday, 3 September 2017

Annabelle The Creation Trailer Analysis

The trailer begins with a black screen which shows the two production companies who created the film which are Warner Brothers and New Line Cinemas. Both these production companies are known for successful horror films The Conjuring. The next scene is a long shot of a house in the middle of nowhere which is a convention of a horror film. A mans voice is heard (diegetic) saying 'welcome to our new orphanage'. This tells the audience that the film is going to based mainly at the orphanage and having children in horror films is a prototypical convention as children see things that other don't. A birds eye view shot is shown of the orphanage which shows the audience what the main location is going to be in the film

During the next scene all the children are exploring the upstairs of the house when one of comes to a door which is locked. The owner of the orphanage comes up behind her and says 'locked and it stays that way'. This is diegetic sound as both the characters and the audience can hear this. A two shot is used when the mum and dad of the little girl who died go into her bedroom and shows they are emotional as they have lost their little girl. When the owner says this to the little girl this makes the audience curious and start to think about what is behind the door and why is no one aloud to go inside. Another shot shown in the trailer is an over the shoulder which made the character in the scene look vulnerable

The next scene starts of with a long shot of the outside of the house at night time and music is being played on an old record player. The girl from the previous scene is shown approaching the locked door which is now open.  This gets the audience's attention as they are now going to find out whats in the room. The room looks like a little girls bedroom and as the girl walks further into the room she says 'hello' in which she sees a little girl standing by the window and she says 'will you help me' and she sounds like shes freighted. When the other girl replies with 'what do you need' the little girl turns around and her faces looks like a demon. and her hand also turns black which is shown by a medium close up and this shot also shows the other girl being dragged away by an unknown force which is a convention of a horror film. The next scene features an establishing shot when a little girl is getting dropped off at the orphanage which shows the location and what is happening around them

The next scene begins with one of the other girls talking to the owner saying 'Janice said that she has seen your daughter'. He replies saying 'My daughter has been dead for 5 years'. This conversation lets the audience know that the little girl shown in the previous scene is the owners daughter and what Janice saw was a ghost or something from the paranormal world. In the next scene it shows how the owners daughter died which was by being hit by a car. His wife is heard in the background (non diegetic) saying 'she was taken from us at an early age. We prayed to see our little girl again. It started small then it wanted permission to go to a doll'. This tells the audience that the spirit inside the doll is the one of the owners daughter called Annabelle. A close up is then shown of the doll which is kept inside a cupboard with a little light shining above which makes it more scary.

The next scene shows two of the girls in their bedroom playing under a sheet with torches when the camera cuts to a medium shot of the doll on a rocking chair. Quick editing is used as it cuts back to the girls when a hand covers one of their faces. A range of short cut scenes are shown with eerie child music being played (non-diegetic).

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