Friday, 13 October 2017

Target Audience Research

The target audience for a horror movie is 15-21 because most young people enjoy this genre as they enjoy the thrills and jump scares. Also most young people aren't frightened of gory scenes compared to an older audience who will be afraid. Also most horror films are targeted towards men as stereo typically men  men prefer enjoy violence, gory and jump scares more than a woman. Also most young males who watch horror films are still immature so get a thrill out of watching these types of films. As well as being targeted at individuals who are interested in blood,gore and supernatural activity horror films are also targeted at groups of people mostly teenagers. This is because a group of friends go to see a film to be sociable and can be scared together.

Horror films are also targeted at young couples who are going on their first date. The characters usually can be related to by the target audience especially teenagers as they're both still in school and going through some sort of drama at school. By this happening the audience feels a stronger emotion towards the film.

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